Is Hormone Replacement Right for You Part 1: Women
Have you been feeling like all of the energy is sapped out of you? No interest in sex? Workouts lacking? Put on a few -- ahem-- pounds you can't seem to shed?
If you're a woman aged 35 + and hearing me read your mind, hormone replacement may be just what the doctor ordered!
Did you know that ovarian function peaks out at age 25? Yep. That's the height of your fertility. Every year after that sees a steady decline of ovarian function, with decline being accentuated at 5 year intervals until you're finally done with your periods in your early 50s.
photo by Samantha Gades on Upsplash
One of the hormones you may lack first is actually testosterone. That "man hormone" is made in the ovary and is intimately connected to your musculoskeletal health and sex drive. Women only make about 10% of what men do, but when it's gone or low, you'll start to experience chronic, nagging fatigue, low physical endurance, loss of muscle strength and volume as well as a low desire for sex. Low testosterone can even rob you of restful sleep, cause headaches and make you crabby. What's amazing is that with a simple blood test, a doctor skilled in testosterone replacement for women can give you your mojo back!
As part of my wellness-forward practice, I've been able to offer testosterone replacement therapy to women for the past 8 years. You can choose pellet therapy, shots or creams for whatever fits your lifestyle and budget. Please call 405-376-1381 for more information and to get scheduled for your free consultation.