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Mustang's Keto Support Group

There have been several diets that have achieved “fad” status over the years, but the keto diet seems to have overtaken its competitors, such as the Whole30 diet. Not only does it have a good success rate for losing weight, but it also has many health benefits attached to it.

Unfortunately, starting—and keeping up—the ketogenic diet is a lot easier said than done, which is why I decided to act as a medical consultant for Mustang’s first keto support group.

Every Tuesday, we meet at the Mustang Senior Center to discuss our success, our struggles, and our ideas. It’s an excellent way to connect and keep yourself on track!

I asked Michael Just, one of the leaders of the group, a few questions about his experience with the keto diet. I wanted to know what benefits he had experienced since starting and staying on the diet.

“When I started I was on a total of three blood pressure medications,” he said, “two asthma inhalers, and two anxiety related medications. I am completely off both anxiety medications, both inhalers, and have been able to discontinue a little over half of the medications I’m taking for my blood pressure. My doctor said I will be off all medications within the next six months with continued weight loss.”

In addition, he noted that he has also experienced a reduction of joint pain, asthma, and anxiety, as well as an increase in mental clarity and energy.

“Exercise is a horrible way to lose weight but a great way to stay mentally and physically fit,” he added. “The way you eat will be the best way for you to lose fat.”

I decided to ask Dorothy Beighley, another of the team leaders, some more questions about why she started the keto diet.

“I started keto on August 22, 2016,” she said. “I jumped on because my daughter said I could lose weight and feel good without ousting calories! My first goal was to tie my own shoes and that happened in two weeks! I lost 87 pounds in 20 months, and my body must think this is the right weight because I jump from 152 to 157 back and forth! My advice is to keep it simple. Don’t go hungry and don’t count calories!”

 “Come to the meetings, bring your questions, and if we can’t help you we will certainly find someone who can!” she continued. “It’s more fun than Facebook!”