
Practice Announcements and Updates

New Practice Alert!

It's official!

On April 15, 2019 I will open my new clinic, Vibrant Life Direct Care PLLC.
 Located at 501 North Mustang Road, Suite B in Mustang.

Follow the link on the previous post to pre-enroll!

Thanks to all of you who have encouraged me and continue to encourage me along this path! God has opened up the way before me and I am simply walking in it.

There are lots of little steps to take to make this a reality. The first is to make this announcement and create some excitement around it. Would you share this on Facebook for me? Would you tell your friends and family?


Who would benefit from my new practice style?


I am still seeing all ages, men, women & children, teens, sick and well. The only difference is that I will no longer be a contracted physician for any medical insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. If you have these forms of health coverage, there are a few careful considerations for my new practice:

1. Medicare/Medicaid: you cannot take your bills from my office and file it with these entities for reimbursement. They only accept claims from contracted providers and I'll no longer be one.
2. I am "out of network" on insurances
3. You can take an invoice from my office for medications, labs or x-rays to file with insurance as an "out of network" to count against your deductible, but my office will not file this for you.
4. As of this writing, the IRS will NOT let you use your HSA for membership fees. You CAN use it for labs, meds and imaging. (If you think this is a silly rule that needs to be changed, please contact your representatives in Congress. DPC doctor groups have been fighting this for several years, but it won't come out of committee!)

If you have friends and family with no insurance or crummy  high-deductible insurance, please let them know that my practice is for them. With a low monthly fee, they have access to comprehensive care by a family physician.

For all of my existing patients, I want you to know that transparency and the ability to negotiate will improve our relationship. No longer will you be filtered through 3 people in the office before I get your messages. With a smaller number of patients, I will be able to see you ASAP, not in 2 weeks. You won't have to wait in a waiting room that also services the urgent care. I can pass along savings to you for services that I'm currently providing that my current employer currently controls. Your insurance can now be used as insurance for real emergencies, not a high-dollar ticket into my office. My new practice will also include more wellness-forward services to benefit you as a member!

Please share the news and pray for me as I continue to lay each piece of the foundation of this new practice.

To your good health,

Dr. Lydia

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