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A Spring to Remember

With all this CoVID19 hoopla about, I hope you haven’t missed the exquisite beauty of this Oklahoma spring. Yes, the weather had a hard time deciding to let go of winter, but somehow or other Mother Nature managed to produce an amazing burst of prairie color and blooms!

While at home this year, God gave me back something that I sacrificed last year to start my new medical practice: my vegetable garden.

Now, I don’t know if it’s in my DNA or strictly a Southern cultural thing, but my instinct come late March and early April is to GET MY HANDS IN THE DIRT. It’s primal and compulsive. Nothing gets me more excited than the energy I start to feel in spring. Watching things come to life brings me pure joy! Sowing and reaping is a fascinating process that I never tire of repeating.

So, to not plan my crop rotation, not buy seeds, not go into the garden daily and feel the excitement of the harvest last spring and summer felt like a sacrifice. When I look back, though, the time I spent starting my practice was more of an exchange rather than a sacrifice. What I sowed last year was a small business; what I’ve reaped this year is a beautiful family practice!

My practice is unique in so many ways, but one factor that stands out is that we are a little family. I deeply care about my patients and want to usher them into healthier living. My nurse and I work hard every day to make things happen fast and effectively for our patients. Often, patients get so used to our speed and efficiency that it leaves them frustrated when I have to refer them into “the system” of Big Box healthcare for advanced services. They miss the time, concern, follow up, conversation, and willingness to think outside of the box that comes from the way my practice works.

What about you? Do you want to belong to a little medical family and not just be another patient? Do you want to be part of a practice where your doctor and nurse know you by name, know your health story inside and out and work hard to make and keep you well? Are you tired of “pills, pills, pills” and a diagnosis that isn’t getting better?

Come check us out and see if living a Vibrant Life is right for you!