
Practice Announcements and Updates

Living Vibrant vs. "Healthcare"

I am not a “provider.” In fact, I hate the term.

I went to school and got a degree as an osteopathic physician and surgeon. That’s what my license declares and so does my diploma.

Physicians teach and heal; they do not “provide services.”

Guess who demoted me to the status of “provider” after graduation? Insurance companies and the Center for Medicare Services (CMS), that’s who. Then corporate medicine picked up the term. It’s used so liberally now, even I find myself using it at times! Within the corporate medicine world, you’re always a “provider” and you hold the same status as everyone else providing medical services. These same characters coined the term “healthcare,” that sterile word that now encompasses all of what used to be the sacred art and practice of medicine.

Maybe you’re one of those patients fed up with the dehumanizing world of corporate medicine and are looking for a PHYSICIAN and not a “provider of services.” Maybe you’re tired of seeing the mid-level every visit and never seeing your doctor. Perhaps you’re tired of just going in for the same labs and medication refills. Maybe your doctor punked out and refused to treat you for the respiratory illness SARS-CoV2. Maybe you’re tired of the doctor you’ve seen for the last 20 years now shoving the SARS-CoV2 mRNA genetic transfer injection down your throat at every visit. Or maybe you’re tired of your kid’s pediatrician also pushing “the vaccine” on you and refusing to see your kids if you choose not to vax at all.

Have we got the practice for you!

Welcome to Vibrant Life Direct Care, where we are taking primary care back to her roots with one doctor and one patient negotiating this art and dance called “medicine.” We are not bound by what “corporate” says, what your insurance company/Medicare will or won’t cover. Here at Vibrant Life we take primary care one step further with what I like to call “active management of disease.” In active management the doctor prescribes and oversees a holistic, longitudinal plan toward health checking in at short intervals to insure compliance and that benchmark improvements are being met along the way. We are serious about getting you OFF of all unnecessary medications and leading you toward health and vibrancy for the rest of your lifespan.

Academic family medicine has been grappling with this idea for years, scratching it’s head trying to figure out HOW to actively manage chronic diseases in 15 minute appointments sparsely repeated throughout the year. One idea was the “group visit” for certain chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, hypertension or COPD. I’ve never seen any corporate family medicine office take the torch on after-hours group visits. For it to work, doctors would have to come in to work extra hours and settle for the piddly reimbursement CMS laid out for their efforts. (I don’t blame them; it’s patronizing.)

In the membership model of family medicine, the patient and doctor both have incentive to pursue the patient’s most important health goals and actually reach them. We become value-driven, outcome based and personalized in our efforts, not box-checkers for CMS and the insurance companies. At VLDC we have more time to offer our members and the holistic training and philosophy to get things done. Greg and I are always sharpening our skills by reading, interviewing experts, going to innovative trainings and adding regenerative treatments to our repertoire of service offerings for our patients. We often research and oversee treatments a patient wants to try, and so learn from our patient another valuable remedy we can pass along to others. We pride ourselves in our unique, personalized approach to family medicine, health and wellness.

Just as an experiment, ask your current primary care physician which topics they recently learned about in their last CME (continuing medical education). I’ll bet it was a review of all of the tired old treatments out there or about new medications added to the “standard of care” that Big Pharma sponsors. If you’re good with that, fine. By all means stay with what you’ve got. However, if you’re looking to do something to impact your health in a potent, positive direction AWAY from drugs, procedures, and the resignation that you’ll never get better…come give us a try!

Hasta la vista, status quo!

Lydia DennisComment